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Banking and Fintech

Unleashing India's Fintech Potential

Banking and Fintech is one of the most high-potential sectors in India because the growth story of India has just started and we have a long way to go. In that way, the per capita income of the country is destined to multiply several times which can be a big boost to the banking and fintech sector. 

The market is also low competition because of the strong guidelines the companies have to follow. We already make the highest amount of transactions in one day compared to other nations, thanks to UPI. Currently, there are 300 million UPI users but the numbers are destined to grow hugely in upcoming years. 

The Indian fintech market size is 111.14 billion US dollars in 2024 and is expected to reach 421.48 billion US dollars by 2029 with a CAGR of 30.55%. This data is enough to show the probabilities in this segment, and Goaccelerix is here to help you leverage the probabilities of this segment with growth and Tele-calling services.

What We offer

Growth Services

Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing

One of the cheapest and most effective ways to do marketing for your business is with the help of social media marketing. You will tap into a huge pool of young internet users who can be your potential customers with the help of social media marketing and Goaccelerix can help you to do it at the best level.

Strategy development

Building a banking or fintech business is tough, you need to gain users or customers by following the guidelines at the same time. We can develop a strategy for you following the perfect guidelines that will help you reach your business goal at the earliest.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing is very important for any business today's date. You cannot build a digital brand or company without having the correct digital marketing strategy for your brand. We at Goaccelerix help you build great digital marketing plans and also execute them.

Paid Marketing & Media Buying
Branding solutions

One of the most important things for the banking and fintech industry is that you build a reliable and trustable brand value because most of the frauds happen in this market. We at Goaccelerix have a good team that can help to brand your company in such a way that people will blindly trust you with their money.

Revenue optimization

You need to rightly use your revenue to take your business to new heights. Our team at Goaccelerix can help you to optimize your revenue in the right way so you can continue growth with positive cash flow at the same time.

Marketing automation

We at Goaccelerix can help you out with automating your different marketing activities that require repetitive work like WhatsApp marketing, email marketing or SMS marketing.

Why should you choose us for growth services?

Our Growth Services
What We offer

Telecalling Services

Customer service

Anytime your customer faces any issue with your product or service they will get a Tele-caller of Goaccelerix to help them out with this issue if you go with us. With this service, our team will take responsibility for giving the best services to your customers through telecalling so that it doesn't hamper your brand image.

Pre-sales and sales call

Business is all about selling and it's not an easy task. We at Goaccelerix have a dedicated team who are very good with sales and pre-sales calls. They will reach out to all of your potential customers and convince them to access your service or product.

Inbound and outbound calls

Receiving and acting upon customer feedback is the most effective way for a business to expand. With the aid of both inbound and outbound calls, we can complete that task. We can connect with them via outbound calls to get feedback for you, and by taking calls inbound, we can learn about their concerns and problems.

Why should you choose us for telecalling services?

Our Telecalling Services
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